
Stalker soc oblivion lost
Stalker soc oblivion lost

stalker soc oblivion lost

There is also a smaller chance that the weapon could be dropped somewhere and there is no need to face Friar. Using the gun through X-18 will probably render the Obokan thoroughly broken by the time the player brings it to Brome, but he won't care. Finding the Obokan during the fight at the Base means that this nice upgraded gun can be used in Lab X-18 instead of the player wearing out his own main gun on poltergeists and snorks.

stalker soc oblivion lost

While working the way to Borov's office through the Base, if taking fire listen for the distinct Obokan sound and move in its general direction. However, the player might run into Friar just by chance in the Bandit Base, while trying to take the key from Borov. In fact, if the player uses a mod that allows sleep, simply sleeping in Strelok's hideout for several hours during the first visit to the Underground can be enough to make him spawn near the entrance. Therefore, as with many fetch quests in Shadow of Chernobyl, it is recommended to not accept it until you already have the item in question.įriar can usually be found in Agroprom Underground after the player clears it out of Bandits, searches Strelok's hideout and some time has passed. Instead, the weapon will be wielded by an Expert Bandit named Friar who may, and most probably will, wander around in various levels. This mission is infamous in that there is an item marker for it, but it will be pointing in or around the Bandit Base in Dark Valley and the weapon itself won't be there. After finding the Storming Obokan, the player can choose to keep it for himself or return it to the Dutyer.

stalker soc oblivion lost

There is a Duty member there, named Brome, who is apparently drunk and stressed and will give the mission through a dialogue.

Stalker soc oblivion lost